Elizabeth DeLana Elizabeth DeLana

5 Simple Breakfast Routine Shifts to Improve Your Health This Spring

As a functional medicine health coach, I spend my days guiding people along their unique path to health, and what I have learned is that the more benefits we can squeeze out of the things we are already doing each day, the easier that path becomes. There are oodles of opportunity at breakfast that pack a powerful punch on your health.  Let’s talk about 5 of them right now!

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Elizabeth DeLana Elizabeth DeLana

How to Walk: Engage Your Toes

Look, we’ve been walking most of our lives without thinking about it. Yet, as a Physical Therapist specializing in hip and knee pain, I became aware that the root cause of our pain is biomechanical — how we move and how we walk. (Side note: Joint replacements of the hip and knee are projected to increase about 35% per year over the next 10 years). So, are we walking wrong? And if so, why?

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Elizabeth DeLana Elizabeth DeLana

Just Breathe

Breathing is one of the most powerful tools we have for hosting mindfulness and well-being. When we focus on our breath as we walk, it can help us to bring our attention to the present moment and to release any tension or stress that we may be holding in our bodies. I love that. Simple. Breathe.

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Elizabeth DeLana Elizabeth DeLana


Every day, I walk. Every day, I am in an ecosystem. Each walk, I am healed/nourished/inspired by that place. Lately, I have been feeling a need to do the same for that place. To be more curious about it, heal it, nourish it, care for it. We are in a profound relationship.

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Elizabeth DeLana Elizabeth DeLana


I hear a lot of discussion about the quest for balance. I don’t think there is a place called balance. Life is in constant flux, so balance can only be temporary; therefore, seeking it as a desired end state is impossible. I think what I seek is not balance, but harmony.

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